Friday, March 21, 2014

Thirty Ninth

I just had a random thought about writing actual letters.  And then i remembered sealing wax.  And then i remembered the smell of sealing wax.

My best friend in the 5th grade and i used to write each other long letters, even though she lived next door.  These letters were full of parakeet feathers and pressed Cheetos and pictures cut from magazines and locks of hair.  Letters were sealed with sealing wax and various sealing wax stamps that we bought with what little cash that we had.   I still have some of these letters in an old scrap book that i kept up with for almost five pages.

In one of the letters, written when i was 11 and visiting my grandparents in California, i proudly announce that "i have learned what a bonar is".  I was so proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. Not only should you be proud of yourself then, you should be proud of yourself now.
