Saturday, March 22, 2014


I... (it's all about me)... I cannot stand it that my brother is dying.  He's only 58.  I can't stand it, but, as fucking usual, i have no choice.

Also, to add to the creepiness, there are people who get off on the news of a dying person.  I wish i were kidding, but i am not.  My oldest brother, who is not, as far as i know, dying (any more than the rest of us) set up a blog site for information about my middle brother (who, goddammit, is dying).  There is this one woman who comments who is inappropriate and prying.  We are now moderating comments on the website, because of her, and i happily deleted one of her asinine remarks.  And of course, she noticed, because she is a complete freak, and is now emailing with me as to why her comment got deleted.

Fucking A.  Because you are an idiot, that's why.  This situation is not funny, or in any way amusing, so stop trying to be cute.  Fuck you.  Fuck you SO HARD.


  1. Life and death are fucking random. I visited my girlfriend yesterday. She has nasopharyngeal cancer. I pray to god that she lives long enough to see a grandchild but who knows. I tell her that I love her everytime I see her. Who knows what tomorrow brings.

    And your brother, I'm so sorry. It just fucking hurts.

  2. People can be creepy. That creepiness is occasionally discomfort or fear in disguise makes it no less awkward or appropriate. People unsure of how to comfort should probably refrain poor executions of verbal kitsch. It is difficult for some people to grasp that hurt can be inconsolable and raw.

  3. Horrifying that someone would twist this kind of situation to be cute or funny, or to bother you asking for your attention to their nonsense. Don't waste anything on this woman; you have far more important places to dedicate your time and energies. I'm so sorry about your brother, so sorry for the pain of your family, and so sorry that there isn't a way to fix it. I hope you feel comfort in knowing that there are people who care and understand and are sending you, and your brother, good thoughts and good wishes.
