Sunday, November 10, 2013


I don't know what to do.  I don't know how to move on.  I feel ashamed of myself for still feeling so hurt and angry and sad after all this time.  Am i incapable of healing?

  Something is wrong with me, something i don't know how to understand, much less fix.

My emotional level appears to be stuck in junior high.  I can't bear it when she goes to see her dad and his new wife in their new home.  I am filled with jealousy and anxiety that i can barely hide from her.  What if she wanted to spend a whole weekend there?  Or, even worse, move in with them?

I know i am being ridiculous.  I know she loves me and barely tolerates him.  But, what if?

I want the whole world to hate him, to see beyond his exterior charm to the falseness and emptiness that lies beneath.

I am not proud of myself.

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