Saturday, November 30, 2013



Make new friends everyone says.  Get out more.  Be open to new people and experiences.

Okay, i agree with all this, and that it's a good thing to have more friends.  But no one ever tells you the downside of it, that you may end up with some friends that you don't like all that much.

Now i have some friends who like me better than i like them.  One of my newish friends talks constantly, and all about herself.  Another one is so earnest and apologizes all the time for silly things.

I am a smart ass.  I like silly people who see and can laugh with me at the absurdities of life.  I like people who can listen as well as talk.  I like people who don't have an imaginary friend in the sky who gets the credit/blame for everything.  I like people who face reality without denial.

I am asking too much.

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